SSRN Top 750 Law Schools
Updated Monthly - Last Updated on: 01 Nov 2024
Ranked by: Total # of Downloads
Last 12 Months | All Time | Authors | ||||||
Rank | Institution | Total New Downloads | # of New Papers | New Downloads per paper | Total # of Downloads | # of Papers | Total Downloads per paper | # of Authors |
1 | Harvard Law School | 212,562 | 112 | 55 | 2,571,108 | 3,845 | 669 | 390 |
2 | Stanford Law School | 172,666 | 138 | 64 | 1,877,976 | 2,682 | 700 | 391 |
3 | New York University School of Law | 175,450 | 157 | 47 | 1,780,898 | 3,713 | 480 | 515 |
4 | University of California, Berkeley - School of Law | 132,339 | 118 | 42 | 1,592,817 | 3,172 | 502 | 422 |
5 | Yale University - Law School | 133,430 | 100 | 56 | 1,481,736 | 2,401 | 617 | 447 |
6 | Columbia University - Law School | 129,513 | 99 | 48 | 1,470,339 | 2,698 | 545 | 413 |
7 | George Washington University - Law School | 118,601 | 110 | 49 | 1,299,861 | 2,410 | 539 | 259 |
8 | Georgetown University Law Center | 109,441 | 150 | 34 | 1,239,873 | 3,223 | 385 | 397 |
9 | University of Chicago - Law School | 77,989 | 66 | 44 | 1,228,811 | 1,759 | 699 | 146 |
10 | University of Virginia School of Law | 112,816 | 105 | 47 | 1,104,209 | 2,391 | 462 | 112 |
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