SSRN Top 1,000 Business Schools
Updated Monthly - Last Updated on: 01 Sep 2024
Ranked by: Total New Downloads
Last 12 Months | All Time | Authors | |||||||
Rank | Institution | Total New Downloads | # of New Papers | New Downloads per paper | Total # of Downloads | Total # of Citations | # of Papers | Total Downloads per paper | # of Authors |
1 | University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School | 484,715 | 214 | 91 | 3,338,681 | 84,575 | 5,352 | 624 | 560 |
2 | University of Chicago - Booth School of Business | 426,539 | 250 | 97 | 3,582,009 | 142,176 | 4,388 | 816 | 323 |
3 | New York University (NYU) - Leonard N. Stern School of Business | 374,382 | 140 | 67 | 3,791,296 | 101,809 | 5,622 | 674 | 410 |
4 | Harvard University - Business School (HBS) | 374,198 | 140 | 96 | 3,762,335 | 92,252 | 3,885 | 968 | 464 |
5 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Sloan School of Management | 287,520 | 122 | 84 | 2,648,911 | 68,193 | 3,435 | 771 | 362 |
6 | Columbia University - Columbia Business School | 252,126 | 188 | 60 | 2,176,078 | 77,526 | 4,218 | 516 | 370 |
7 | Swiss Finance Institute | 230,803 | 158 | 82 | 1,574,812 | 26,174 | 2,808 | 561 | 163 |
8 | Université Paris Dauphine | 224,060 | 52 | 259 | 1,041,501 | 2,465 | 865 | 1,204 | 236 |
9 | Yale School of Management | 216,071 | 63 | 89 | 1,975,922 | 45,433 | 2,422 | 816 | 178 |
10 | London Business School | 170,816 | 78 | 84 | 1,453,727 | 33,918 | 2,036 | 714 | 256 |
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