SSRN Top 3,000 Law Authors
Updated Monthly - Last Updated on: 01 Oct 2024
Ranked by: Total # of Downloads
Last 12 Months | All Time | |||||||
Rank | Author | Total New Downloads | # of New Papers | New Downloads per paper | Total # of Downloads | Total # of Citations | # of Papers | Total Downloads per paper |
1 | Sunstein, Cass R. | 52,759 | 24 | 134 | 581,176 | 5,714 | 395 | 1,471 |
2 | Solove, Daniel J. | 49,661 | 7 | 730 | 484,701 | 460 | 68 | 7,128 |
3 | Bebchuk, Lucian A. | 19,304 | 0 | 94 | 396,662 | 4,340 | 206 | 1,926 |
4 | Lemley, Mark A. | 32,525 | 11 | 132 | 331,167 | 1,555 | 247 | 1,341 |
5 | Black, Bernard S. | 19,685 | 16 | 93 | 258,431 | 2,341 | 211 | 1,225 |
6 | Kerr, Orin S. | 13,961 | 0 | 186 | 238,692 | 145 | 75 | 3,183 |
7 | Arner, Douglas W. | 30,703 | 6 | 298 | 237,471 | 497 | 103 | 2,306 |
8 | Avi-Yonah, Reuven S. | 11,729 | 57 | 40 | 236,819 | 363 | 291 | 814 |
9 | Buckley, Ross P. | 29,477 | 3 | 218 | 234,762 | 458 | 135 | 1,739 |
10 | Kahan, Dan M. | 8,961 | 0 | 119 | 209,987 | 780 | 75 | 2,800 |
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